[{“identifier”:”af”,”name”:”RSS Feed Data”,”type”:”crawl_rss”,”parameters”:{“url”:”%%keyword%%”,”template”:”[%%item_counter%%]: %%item_title%% – %%item_description%%”,”max_items”:”8″,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”9″,”name”:”Create the article outline”,”type”:”ai_text”,”parameters”:{“prompt”:”Using the content I provide below, create an optimized blog post outline that can be used to form a revised version of this article so that it is even more seo optimized and covers the topic entirely. Split the blog post outline into 5 sections. The outline will be used to create an article that will be put on a different website so don’t add any references to the original website.\nUse the content to determine the main topic so that you can create an optimized blog post outline.\nThe provided content is:\n%%rss_content_af%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”ad”,”name”:”Create the article headings”,”type”:”ai_text”,”parameters”:{“prompt”:”Write 5 consecutive plain text headings for an article about the below text, that highlight specific aspects, provide detailed insights and specific recommendations. The headings must be written in English, one on each line. Don’t use HTML in the created text. Don’t add numbers, hyphens, HTML, markdown or any types of quotes. Return only the headings list, nothing else. Use the following text: %%ai_text_9%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”8″,”name”:”Create the title”,”type”:”ai_text”,”parameters”:{“prompt”:”Write a single engaging WordPress post title based on the following article outline. Don’t return anything else, just the title. The article outline is:\\n %%ai_text_9%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”ab”,”name”:”Create the introduction”,”type”:”ai_text”,”parameters”:{“prompt”:”Write an introduction paragraph for an article about \”%%keyword%%\”, which has the following title: %%ai_text_8%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”aa”,”name”:”Foreach outline entry, create content”,”type”:”ai_text_foreach”,”parameters”:{“multiline_input”:”%%ai_text_ad%%”,”prompt”:”Using the provided blog post outline write an in-depth SEO optimized article for section %%current_input_line_counter%%, having the following heading: %%current_input_line%%. Ensure the article is unique, engaging, and optimized for search engines. Use a professional tone and a mix of long and complex sentences alongside shorter ones.\nIf this article is the first part of the article outline, do not add a conclusion to the end. If it is the last part, don’t add an intro to its beginning. When ending the article, if applicable, write a paragraph introducing the upcoming section of the article from the outline in a seamless manner.\nUse markdown format to add headings, bullet points, lists, FAQs, answers and key take-aways. \nFormat important topic terms and keywords using bold, italic, and underline formatting.\nWrite the article so that it will pass AI content detection tools and reads as if written by a human. \nThe outline is: \n\n%%ai_text_ad%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”ac”,”name”:”Create outro”,”type”:”ai_text”,”parameters”:{“prompt”:”Write an outro paragraph for an article about \”%%keyword%%\”, which has the following title: %%ai_text_8%%”,”model”:”gpt-3.5-turbo”,”assistant_id”:””,”critical”:”0″}},{“identifier”:”7″,”name”:”Publish Post”,”type”:”save_post”,”parameters”:{“post_title”:”%%ai_text_8%%”,”post_content”:”%%ai_text_foreach_aa%%\n%%ai_text_ac%%\n%%ai_text_ab%%”,”post_excerpt”:””,”post_author”:””,”post_status”:”publish”,”post_type”:”post”,”post_format”:”post-format-standard”,”post_parent”:””,”post_comments”:”0″,”post_pingbacks”:”0″,”post_date”:””,”post_custom_fields”:””,”post_custom_taxonomies”:””,”post_lang”:””,”post_categories”:””,”post_tags”:””,”content_regex”:””,”replace_regex”:””,”overwrite_existing”:”0″,”featured_image”:””,”critical”:”0″}}]